This command executes one or a series of holes, depending on the DIAMETER and TYPE of tools. Allows clearance for longer tools or hurdles in the tool path.

G = Number of steps for the boring operation (Pecking). This command executes one or a series of holes, depending on the tools selected (list of tools). V = Intelligent clamping of part variable. # = Name of the environmental variables file. R = Number of times that the program will repeat before quitting the program. Denotes the name of the file that contains all information about tools. Required.ĭZ = Dimension of the Panel Z (Usually Height). Required.ĭY = Dimension of the Panel Y (usually width). Following an explanation of each of its parameters.ĭX = Dimension of the Panel X (usually length). The header instruction is the most important part of a program it contains information that is essential for machining and must always be carefully set up. During the set up I am running into a couple of issues with offsets.

I am in the process of switching our CAD/CAM from Aspire to VCarve (also a Vectric product). A program called Winiso.exe converts the. It has apparently been replaced with Vectric Aspire. The machine originally came with AlphaCAM. The machine was purchased used and delivered in the described setup below.

I am currently working on the setup of a Routech Record 240 that uses Xilog3 as the controller.